Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Reach Out to the LORD First

When I read Psalm 107 on April 18, 2015, these words resonated over and over: "Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress." This Psalm teaches us to FIRST reach out to the LORD. We are to turn fully and completely to Him; THEN, He responds by rescuing us. That rescue may not entail the avoidance of the problem or heartache, but the rescue may actually be the LORD's deliverance of us to and then through the anxiety, the concern, the discomfort, the affliction, the trial, the heartache, the grief, or the obstacle.
Verses 29-30 tell us, "He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven." These verses perfectly describe the concept of calmness. When a sea is calm, it is not rough, but is nearly still. When a day is calm, it is without wind or stormy conditions. When our souls and spirits are calm, they are tranquil and serene. The sea, the day, and our souls are free from havoc, agitation, and disturbance.
We are to cry out to the LORD in times of mild irritations or challenges, AND we are to cry out to Him when our troubles seem insurmountable. No matter the root cause of the distress, if we call out to Him, He will still our storm to a mere whisper. The tumultuous waters will be hushed.
Rejoice in advance, knowing that peaceful calmness is promised! Rejoice in gladness, knowing He is the perfect haven.
Dear LORD,
Thank you for revealing that calmness is not intrinsic to the circumstance, but it is ALL about abiding in You, trusting You, and waiting for You to bring us out of our distress! Thank You for rescuing us from any need to be anxious. Thank You for stilling ALL of our storms to mere whispers. You, and only You, are worthy of our praise and rejoicing! Amen!